Out with the Cheshire Section of the Vintage Cycle Club (Mid Cheshire Ridge)
25 April 16 Veteran Cycle Club Cheshire Section- Mid Cheshire Ridge. Organiser Dave Baddeley
A week last Sunday we went on a cycle ride with the Cheshire Section of the VCC (Veteran Cycle Club) around the lanes of Cheshire.
The RRA performed faultlessly over the 20 odd miles.
Here are some photos from that day.
There was a mixture of machines with some over a hundred years old.
A fantastic time was had by all in glorious sunshine.
We will definitely be going on more Cheshire Section VCC runs
Cathy, my wife was on her 1997 Marin Muirwood
Crossing over a pack horse bridge. This was a most interesting section with 500 year old bridges (Photo: Patti Wilson)
Give me a tow. This character went virtually the whole day riding with only one pedal! (Photo: Patti Wilson)
The team with the leader Dave Badderleyin the fore ground. Dave rode the day fixed wheel. (Photo: Patti Wilson)