
Eroica Britannia 15-17th June 2018

This took place over 3 days on the 15-17th June. This is our third year camping- in our opinion the festival was not as good as in previous years with the entertainment and stands but was still full of happy bikers. The ride on Sunday, however was excellent.

We rode to the end of the High Peak trail on Friday evening- Simeon came over for the day on Saturday- we organised our own ride to a pub for lunch down the Tissington Trail and then back to the show ground up the High peak trail. We crossed over the trails from Tissington. Simeon then went home.

We decided to ride the 60 mile “Sportsman” ride on the Sunday with Cathy on her 1987 Raleigh Caprice and me on the RRA.

We did cheat as we had done a recky of the ride some 2 months ago so knew the challenging parts! I think psychologically this was very beneficial.

There were four main climbs- one before lunch from Longnor to Earl Stearndale (the shortest and least taxing), the second through Manners Wood at the end of the Monsal Trail (Grim+), the third at Beesley (we called this the Beast of Beesley- grim+++) and the fourth the climb out of Crompton up the incline plains on the High peak Trail (grim++).

The food stops were at Thornbridge Hall off the Monsal trail (fantastic with a great venue and lunch) and at Crompton on the High Peak Trail.

This is staffed by volunteers from Derbyshire County Council. They always put on a fantastic event for Eroica.

All together a great weekend of cycling in fantastic country side!

Eroica Britannia 2018 60 mile “Sportsman” route. Total elevation climbed 5748 ft.

Lunch Stop

The RRA at speed. Lovely machine. handles like a dream. Maximum speed registered 39 mph, lowest pushing up hill!

The RRA on route

On route

The finish. It just started to drizzle!

Cathy at the end. She was probably the only rider to complete the 60 mile ride on a Sturmey Archer 3 speed on a bike made of gas pipe! Amazing but she loves it. She use to tour on a Raleigh Caprice in the 80’s with her friend Zia. Places she has toured on one include Devon and Dorset, the Cotswolds, IoW and Denmark. What a gal! She would be a demon on a lightweight.