Lymm Transport Festival Sunday 24 June 2018
This is always a great event which is supported by the VCC (Veteran Cycle Club). It seems to get better every year.
This was on a fantastic sunny day and was very busy, even if the World Cup match with Panama was on in the afternoon!
The whole show takes over Lymm town centre- there is a display of narrow boats on the canal- we were in the show ground with the collection of other classic vehicles, cars motorcycles etc.
Nick Russell spends a lot of time organising this stand and is always popular.
One of the main exhibits is an 1870s penny farthing which is setup so visitors to the show can sit on it. Always very popular with all members of the family.
Paul Walton brings along a number of classic machines which represents some examples from the earliest history of cycling. I remember last year he bought along an 1887 “Whippet” safety cycle. I mention this as the latest machine shown was a 1960s Moulton Stowaway bought along by Dave which has front and rear suspension- the Whippet had both of these features!
Paul’s Walton Hall Cycle Museum is in Warrington and

Before the show opens we have a ride through Lymm. Patti and Marion looking very glamorous as Suffragettes and Bob very dapper with his bowler hat on. The lady Mayor and her son are in the middle. George was riding a wooden Icelandic bike without brakes- very challenging as Lymm has a steep road into the town centre! Andy (far left) was riding his Dad’s 1942 Evans cycle which has been in the family from new.

There was a spitfire fly over. This one was in D-Day markings.

Spot the RRA

The happy team. Left to right
Dave, Bob, Marion, Patti, Me, Andy, George, Nick
All together an excellent day. A highlight also seeing Pattis wonderfully preserved 1988 Renault Espace MkI (one owner from new) which could have been an exhibit in the show in its own right!